(Fathwir) 35 : 17
وَمَا ذَٰلِكَ عَلَى اللَّهِ بِعَزِيزٍ

And that is not at all difficult upon Allah. 

Before mankind was deputed to Earth, the sprites (Jinn) were the vicegerents of the Lord on Earth. When they became wrongdoers and transgressors, they were wiped out, and mankind was deputed as the vicegerent of the Lord. When mankind also becomes wrongdoers and transgressors, Doomsday and the Day of Judgment will be implemented. Therefore, the believer conveys the Lord’s Message, Adhikr—the Balance and Trust to keep the universe in Its equilibrium—to all mankind, irrespective of religion or nation, aiming to delay the pole shifting and thereby the Doomsday. This delay allows the believer to earn the reward of the glorification and praise of the Lord’s creatures, as explained in verses 2: 62 and 6: 38. See explanation 4: 133; 6: 133; 43: 60-61.